Growing up I don't really ever remember having bought mayonnaise in our home. Mom always made this recipe and I still much prefer it over the bought mayonnaise. It adds so much to egg salad, tuna salad, potato salad and any sandwich. I also thin it with a bit of milk and vinegar sometimes and use it on a tossed green salad. It works well anywhere that you would use regular store bought mayonnaise and keeps a long time in the frig.. One of my favorite recipes.
Moms Salad Dressing (Cooked Mayonnaise)
1 cup white sugar
2 Tbs. dry mustard powder
1 Tbs. flour
4 or 5 eggs (depending on the size)
1 ¼ cups cold water, or 1 cup cream or 1 cup milk (tastes best when heavy cream is used)
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. black pepper
1 cup vinegar
butter the size of an egg (added after it is cooked)
Mix dry ingredients together and then slowly add the wet ingredients stirring to prevent lumps.
Cook in a double boiler, (I just cook it in a regular pot; but you have to stay near and stir it often so it doesn't burn then). When it is nice and thick take off of the heat and add the butter. Stir until the butter melts. Put in a jar and store in the frig..
Any idea how long will this keep in the fridge? I make my own mayo with a similar recipe but it is not cooked and doesn't keep long, I always end up throwing some out,if this keeps longer that would be wonderful.
Love your site
Sorry Mary for some reason I never saw this comment until today.
I keep it for several months at a time as my partner prefers store bought mayo (YUCK), I have never had it go bad on me.
If I know I am not going to be using a lot of it I will make a 1/2 batch and that works fine also.
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